There is some debate out there about homosexuals and ‘gay marriage’. I have even been conversing with a friend of mine through e-mail about this. It all leaves with an unresolved dilemma. The problem is multi tined. On one hand, people need to know that homosexuality is wrong, bad, even unhealthy would do, and not acceptable, normal or cute. In the simplest terms, it destroys lives. That is the FIRST message that people need to come to grips with.
The second message that people need to hear is that God loves you and can rescue you from a life of depravity, no matter whether it comes from, be it drugs, alcohol or sexual addiction, even homosexuality. God wants to restore you. All you need to do is give Him and yourself a chance.
The first problem with this is that people who are caught-up in the homo-sexual-addiction, do not hear the second message because they feel personally attacked by the first message. They don’t want to be told that what they are doing is wrong, and they shut you off, so the conversation is over before you get to the good news.
As a result my friend figures that message number two is the place to start. Tell them about God’s love first. The trouble there is that they figure such a loving and caring God could not possibly be upset with his creatures practicing love one with another, and therefore never come to understand message number one.
So how do we get BOTH messages through to them?
That is my dilemma. Any suggestions?
-Dan, AKA Pastor Torch.