Salvation is by faith through grace, and not of works lest any man should boast.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

New House Blues

I just do not understand what is taking them sooo long!  They aren't ready for us to sign on Monday (as we had hoped, and planed for weeks ago!)  They say they can't be ready on Tuesday either, that we are looking at Wednesday... AND if we have to wait for it to fund before we can actually move in... we are looking at Thursday!  I wanted to start moving in on Monday because we have a lot to do between now and next Monday when I am back in school and I need to be settled in by that date so I can again concentrate on my studies.  At this point there appears to be -no-such-luck!
I know. I know we should be excited about being able to BUY a NEW home... but this waiting, and wasting time is for the birds!
So in honor of the moment I thought I'd compile a list of all the things I will NOT miss about the old house.
(Our old house was built in 1915 and it has the hardware to prove it!)
...waiting for some-one to get out of the shower when you have to go really bad.
...the constant drip from the faucet
...the toilet that always acts about half plugged
...the squeaky floors
...the dirty carpets
...the dust!
...the unfinished basement that is forever collecting junk
...the bathroom that is so small you can't even change your mind after you go in.
...the fact that my daughters have to share a bedroom
...the yard that is too large for us and requires too much up-keep
...shoveling snow off a gravel driveway
...people racing past, in the alley!
...not being able to leave anything out, because people racing past in the alley might stop and cart it off!
...the traffic noise from the street, such as pickups that make more noise than school buses or Semi's!
...having people crash into our front yard
...listening to mobile juke boxes, from the backroom with all doors and windows closed
...not having enough room to entertain family around the holidays
...not having a quiet place to do my studies
...working in a kitchen that is short on cabinet space
...the olive green cabinets
...doors that are hard to close and seem to forever be popping open
...the hot summers with inadequate cooling
...putting in the window air-conditioners and taking them back out in the fall
We have lived in this house for ten years... so to be fair, here are some things I might miss...
...having a shop where I can work on things or build things.  From here on in I'll have a garage (part of the house) it won't be the same but I might learn to live with it.
...the huge back yard and little pond, always promised to be a great place to sit, relax and reflect.  Never quite made it work.
...fruit trees! A plum, an apple, a walnut, a peach... trees that grow things you can eat (yum) we have raspberries and blackberries growing along the fence along with a patch of mint.  The garden is huge and would feed us all summer long, at least the vegetable portion of the menu.  We ran out of time for keeping a garden though... too many weeds to pull and other chorus that are required.
   ^-^              The wise
  (*v*)              Ol' Owl
  ()   ()
--"---"----         Dan Willey


Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday's Update

Friday was a rare day.  I was in demand.  After school on Friday I was called by several people, a rare event for me.  One of the more interesting calls was from Pastor Paul Johnson of Real Life Community Church.  We have been attending there regularly for some time now and Pastor Paul was calling me in regards to my willingness to become involved with the ministry.  Because the church is in the middle of re-locating, Paul wanted someone who could update one of their manuals.
I should elaborate a bit on this point.  Real Life is a "Church in a box".  Every bit of equipment is rolled out of a trailer every weekend, set-up, used and then boxed back up and rolled back into the trailer.  This happens every weekend.  We were using the the gymnasium at Greenhurst Elementary School, but due to technical circumstances concerning the inadequacy of their fire alarm system, we had to move to South Middle School.  We were in need of more space anyway, so the move was timely for us even had it not been for the situation with the fire alarm system.  So anyway, they have a book that explains how all this gear is to be set-up and where, then how to pack it up and everything.  Now that we are in a new facility the book needs some up-grades and up-dating.
Pastor Paul has asked me to take on the task of up-dating that manual.
The other call I received was from our realtor.  It seems that all the paperwork did not arrive in time for them to be prepared for the signing.  Our new home won't be our's for one more day at least.  That gives us a bit more time to pack up stuff and clean up around here...   Today we will walk through the house with a rep. from the builder.  This is the official walk-through, and they are supposed to fix anything we find... but I doubt that we will find much, if anything.  We have already been through the house at least five times already.
On a curious note, it wasn't long after I first saw the house that the landscapers came through and rolled out sod-grass.  The front lawn looked perfect!  BUT, the sprinkler system is not turned on yet... there is no water in the irrigation system because it is still too cold out.  Irrigation water will not run until it is spring and temperatures are staying above freezing.  It did not rain either.  All that grass withered and died for lack of water.  Now that its dead, it rained.  It rained long and -hard- (for Idaho) on Saturday, and we even got some pellet sized hail on Sunday, which turned into more rain for awhile.  All this rain should green things up if it is still alive.  Our new front lawn was a goner already.  The freaking landscapers should have brought in their own water and soaked the grass after it was planted.  It would have survived if they had...
   ^-^              The wise
  (*v*)              Ol' Owl
  ()   ()
--"---"----         Dan Willey


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Much ado..

(Where does the time go?) It has been ages since I've had time to sit down and make a journal entry. The HUGE event, the realy big news... we are about to buy a new home! (Yea!) Before now, my wife and I have always had older homes or rentals. For the first time we are stricking out and signing a loan on a brand new, never been lived in, just built house. WOW! That only means that I will have to pack up everything that has accumulated in this house over the last ten years and move it all to a new place. Then either set it up again, find a place to store it or hual it off to the dump. (more or less). Fun, fun, fun. We are doing all this over Spring Break... the time when I'd thought to invite Mirim and Jeff over for dinner. Hmm... we still could entertain them just before we go, or postpone and have them over in the new house... (I'd rather do the latter, this house is nothing to look at) The second item on my list will most likely be of little interest to most people. Philosophy - I'm taking the 101 class this semester at BSU. It is a community college. So we are going over the proofs for the existance of God. The professor would like to throw them all out as beinging un-convincing. But I am not a new-comer to this topic and I am not so easily mislead. I have kept him on his toes, and have been able to assert counter arguments, counter examples and such that has prevented him from turning everyone into agnostics. The moral argument is not one of my favorites, but it is worth considering. Most notably is that all succesful civilisations paralle the Biblical morals in thier laws. To the point are the facts that cultures which embrace, oh, human scrifice for example, have died out. The other example I brought up was that there has never been a matriarchal society. These facts would lend support to concept of the Biblical God who decreed the things in His word. Finding that they are so in our world may not -prove- that God is... but it does support the idea. The First Cause.. the cause that is not an effect of another cause.. that causeless cause which created the matter of which the universe is made... that argument is a good one. My favorit argument is the one that says that where there is design, there was a designer. And that is my personal favorit because it blows evolution out of the frigin water when you find design in biology, astrnomy and history. This argument supports the concept of a God that is ever-present and acive in our world. Well, I shouldn't boar the rest of you with any further babbel about philiosophy... but if any reader (supposing there are some) posts a responce about it... I'd be happy to go into greater detail.

About Me

Student of all trades, not ordained by any church.