Salvation is by faith through grace, and not of works lest any man should boast.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday's Update

Friday was a rare day.  I was in demand.  After school on Friday I was called by several people, a rare event for me.  One of the more interesting calls was from Pastor Paul Johnson of Real Life Community Church.  We have been attending there regularly for some time now and Pastor Paul was calling me in regards to my willingness to become involved with the ministry.  Because the church is in the middle of re-locating, Paul wanted someone who could update one of their manuals.
I should elaborate a bit on this point.  Real Life is a "Church in a box".  Every bit of equipment is rolled out of a trailer every weekend, set-up, used and then boxed back up and rolled back into the trailer.  This happens every weekend.  We were using the the gymnasium at Greenhurst Elementary School, but due to technical circumstances concerning the inadequacy of their fire alarm system, we had to move to South Middle School.  We were in need of more space anyway, so the move was timely for us even had it not been for the situation with the fire alarm system.  So anyway, they have a book that explains how all this gear is to be set-up and where, then how to pack it up and everything.  Now that we are in a new facility the book needs some up-grades and up-dating.
Pastor Paul has asked me to take on the task of up-dating that manual.
The other call I received was from our realtor.  It seems that all the paperwork did not arrive in time for them to be prepared for the signing.  Our new home won't be our's for one more day at least.  That gives us a bit more time to pack up stuff and clean up around here...   Today we will walk through the house with a rep. from the builder.  This is the official walk-through, and they are supposed to fix anything we find... but I doubt that we will find much, if anything.  We have already been through the house at least five times already.
On a curious note, it wasn't long after I first saw the house that the landscapers came through and rolled out sod-grass.  The front lawn looked perfect!  BUT, the sprinkler system is not turned on yet... there is no water in the irrigation system because it is still too cold out.  Irrigation water will not run until it is spring and temperatures are staying above freezing.  It did not rain either.  All that grass withered and died for lack of water.  Now that its dead, it rained.  It rained long and -hard- (for Idaho) on Saturday, and we even got some pellet sized hail on Sunday, which turned into more rain for awhile.  All this rain should green things up if it is still alive.  Our new front lawn was a goner already.  The freaking landscapers should have brought in their own water and soaked the grass after it was planted.  It would have survived if they had...
   ^-^              The wise
  (*v*)              Ol' Owl
  ()   ()
--"---"----         Dan Willey


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About Me

Student of all trades, not ordained by any church.