I’m not certain that I know my exact weight. If it helps you to know… our bathroom scales do not go up that high.
But three hundred is plenty… any way you cut it, it means I’d be better off if I could shed some weight w/o hurting what’s left of my energy and free time these days. (That sorta puts the kibosh to either the ‘not eating plan’ or the ‘do exercise plan’ which is why I feel stuck where I’m at.)
Yea, the stress of moving out… and not being able to finish a thousand little projects that have been waiting, and waiting for me to have some free time and some urge to pick them up out of the pile… to be forced into either making everything wait while I work on something or abandon the whole idea and toss the thing irrevocably in the trash. Or to finally take the time to sort through ominous piles of stuff and separate out the junk from the good stuff. To finally get all life’s little treasures sorted out and organized into a system whereby I’d be able to find those things that I want when I need them. But rather to see the stuff unceremoniously tossed into the garbage. Did I say unceremoniously? It was more like, gleefully tossed into the garbage followed by a victory dance around the trash can! Nothing is more off-putting than this deplorable habit women have of always trying to toss out the many great gadgets and gadgets that men pick up and have enough sense to squirrel away for latter days. Unless it is to be compared to a great pile of such gadgets that has gotten out of control and you can never find the things you’re looking for when you could have used them anyway. I suppose I was a border-line case. I could find things I needed about half the time, and the other half I’d drive everyone crazy looking for stuff.
In any case, I am sure to go through ‘with-drawl’ pains for the next year or so as I come to realize just how many of my little treasures have been mysteriously lost in this move. It is really funny how that could happen too, and disproportionately to the stuff the wife has lost. I guess I should have packed more of her boxes for her, but I was too busy at the time moving the furniture. (hmmm…)