Salvation is by faith through grace, and not of works lest any man should boast.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Today's Church

What is the role of the church in our modern society?  I have been asking my friend this question for a while now.  It is not such an easy question to answer, when you take in to count the various other groups and organizations that are out there.  What is it that makes the church unique, special or even vital? 


Is the church a huge social club?  If all a church provides is a sense of belonging or community, then it is just another social club and could be compared to joining the Moose Lodge, a bowling league or something like that.


Is the church an organization of higher learning?  We have 'Sunday School' and we teach people about the Bible, but then don't colleges and universities do so also?  In fact they offer degrees to their students and prepare them for various career fields.  However, the academic community and the scientific community both share a belief that the Bible is more myth than fact and more out of date than modern.  So if the church is to be in the business of teaching, it has become rather irrelevant in this capacity.


Is the church a place of guidance and counseling?  It is true that there are a lot of fundamental and practical teachings to be learned from scripture, however; if the church is to act in this capacity it must compete with clinical psychologists.  In some states, you must be licensed in order to provide counseling services.  This area too seems to be one in which the church has fallen behind.


Is the church a place of healing and restoration?  The scriptures talk about miraculous healings at the hands of the believers, and some still proclaim this ability.  However modern medicine has made inroads in this area, and almost everyone thinks of visiting the doctor when they become sick.  We don’t jump in an ambulance and get rushed to the church.  So this too has been taken away from us for the most part.


Is the church a place we go to sing?  While singing is part of worship, don't people do this in bars, clubs and concerts?  Some bands can drop in and play some music and make huge bucks for doing it live on stage.  The church has live bands on stage every Sunday but no one knows their name or pays to listen to them play.  With few exceptions, such as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.


As for charity, the church has taken a back seat to government welfare, the Red Cross and Salvation Army. 


In politics, the church has minded it's own business for fear of losing their tax exempt status.


In law, the church has become a non-player because we don't legislate morality.


So I ask you… just what IS the role of the church in our modern day society?   I want to hear from you.  What do you think its role is?





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About Me

Student of all trades, not ordained by any church.